

Tool for formatting Verilog and SystemVerilog code. Part of the Verible tool suite.

Command line arguments

verible-verilog-format: usage: /tmp/verible-bin/verible-verilog-format [options] <file> [<file...>]
To pipe from stdin, use '-' as <file>.

  Flags from common/formatting/
    --column_limit (Target line length limit to stay under when formatting.);
      default: 100;
    --indentation_spaces (Each indentation level adds this many spaces.);
      default: 2;
    --line_break_penalty (Penalty added to solution for each introduced line
      break.); default: 2;
    --over_column_limit_penalty (For penalty minimization, this represents the
      baseline penalty value of exceeding the column limit. Additional penalty
      of 1 is incurred for each character over this limit); default: 100;
    --wrap_spaces (Each wrap level adds this many spaces. This applies when the
      first element after an open-group section is wrapped. Otherwise, the
      indentation level is set to the column position of the open-group
      operator.); default: 4;

  Flags from external/com_google_absl/absl/flags/
    --flagfile (comma-separated list of files to load flags from); default: ;
    --fromenv (comma-separated list of flags to set from the environment [use
      'export FLAGS_flag1=value']); default: ;
    --tryfromenv (comma-separated list of flags to try to set from the
      environment if present); default: ;
    --undefok (comma-separated list of flag names that it is okay to specify on
      the command line even if the program does not define a flag with that
      name); default: ;

  Flags from verilog/formatting/
    --assignment_statement_alignment (Format various assignments:
      {align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
    --case_items_alignment (Format case items:
      {align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
    --class_member_variable_alignment (Format class member variables:
      {align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
    --compact_indexing_and_selections (Use compact binary expressions inside
      indexing / bit selection operators); default: true;
    --distribution_items_alignment (Aligh distribution items:
      {align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
    --enum_assignment_statement_alignment (Format assignments with enums:
      {align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
    --expand_coverpoints (If true, always expand coverpoints.); default: false;
    --formal_parameters_alignment (Format formal parameters:
      {align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
    --formal_parameters_indentation (Indent formal parameters: {indent,wrap});
      default: wrap;
    --module_net_variable_alignment (Format net/variable declarations:
      {align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
    --named_parameter_alignment (Format named actual parameters:
      {align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
    --named_parameter_indentation (Indent named parameter assignments:
      {indent,wrap}); default: wrap;
    --named_port_alignment (Format named port connections:
      {align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
    --named_port_indentation (Indent named port connections: {indent,wrap});
      default: wrap;
    --port_declarations_alignment (Format port declarations:
      {align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
    --port_declarations_indentation (Indent port declarations: {indent,wrap});
      default: wrap;
    --port_declarations_right_align_packed_dimensions (If true, packed
      dimensions in contexts with enabled alignment are aligned to the right.);
      default: false;
    --port_declarations_right_align_unpacked_dimensions (If true, unpacked
      dimensions in contexts with enabled alignment are aligned to the right.);
      default: false;
    --struct_union_members_alignment (Format struct/union members:
      {align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
    --try_wrap_long_lines (If true, let the formatter attempt to optimize line
      wrapping decisions where wrapping is needed, else leave them unformatted.
      This is a short-term measure to reduce risk-of-harm.); default: false;
    --wrap_end_else_clauses (Split end and else keywords into separate lines);
      default: false;

  Flags from verilog/parser/
    --verilog_trace_parser (Trace verilog parser); default: false;

  Flags from verilog/tools/formatter/
    --failsafe_success (If true, always exit with 0 status, even if there were
      input errors or internal errors. In all error conditions, the original
      text is always preserved. This is useful in deploying services where
      fail-safe behaviors should be considered a success.); default: true;
    --inplace (If true, overwrite the input file on successful conditions.);
      default: false;
    --lines (Specific lines to format, 1-based, comma-separated, inclusive N-M
      ranges, N is short for N-N. By default, left unspecified, all lines are
      enabled for formatting. (repeatable, cumulative)); default: ;
    --max_search_states (Limits the number of search states explored during line
      wrap optimization.); default: 100000;
    --show_equally_optimal_wrappings (If true, print when multiple optimal
      solutions are found (stderr), but continue to operate normally.);
      default: false;
    --show_inter_token_info (If true, along with show_token_partition_tree,
      include inter-token information such as spacing and break penalties.);
      default: false;
    --show_largest_token_partitions (If > 0, print token partitioning and then
      exit without formatting output.); default: 0;
    --show_token_partition_tree (If true, print diagnostics after token
      partitioning and then exit without formatting output.); default: false;
    --stdin_name (When using '-' to read from stdin, this gives an alternate
      name for diagnostic purposes. Otherwise this is ignored.);
      default: "<stdin>";
    --verbose (Be more verbose.); default: false;
    --verify (If true, only checks if formatting would be done. Return code 0
      means no files would change. Return code 1 means some files would be
      reformatted.); default: false;
    --verify_convergence (If true, and not incrementally formatting with
      --lines, verify that re-formatting the formatted output yields no further
      changes, i.e. formatting is convergent.); default: true;

Try --helpfull to get a list of all flags or --help=substring shows help for
flags which include specified substring in either in the name, or description or


Generated on 2024-10-16 08:43:47 -0700 from 86ee9ba