MCTP Stack

The Caliptra subsystem supports SPDM, PLDM, and Caliptra vendor-defined message protocols over MCTP.

The MCTP base protocol is implemented as a Tock Capsule, which also handles the essential MCTP Control messages. Additionally, it offers a syscall interface to userspace, enabling the sending and receiving of MCTP messages for other supported protocols. Caliptra MCTP endpoint has only one EID and supports dynamic assignment by the MCTP bus owner.

MCTP Packets are delivered over physical I3C medium using I3C transfers. Caliptra MCTP endpoint always plays the role of I3C Target and is managed by an external I3C controller. Minimum transmission size is based on the MCTP baseline MTU (for I3C it is 69 bytes: 64 bytes MCTP payload + 4 bytes MCTP header + 1 byte PEC). Larger than the baseline transfer may be possible after discovery and negotiation with the I3C controller. The negotiated MTU size will be queried from the I3C Target peripheral driver by MCTP capsule.

MCTP Send Sequence

    participant Application
    participant VirtualMCTPDriver
    participant MuxMCTPDriver
    participant MCTPI3CBinding
    participant I3CTarget
    participant I3CController
    Application--)VirtualMCTPDriver: Send request/response <br/>message to a destination EID
    VirtualMCTPDriver->>VirtualMCTPDriver: mctp_sender.send_message. <br/>Sets the mctp_sender context.
    VirtualMCTPDriver->> MuxMCTPDriver: mctp_mux_sender.send() <br/> Adds mctp_sender to the tail of sender_list.
    loop Packetize the entire message payload
        MuxMCTPDriver->>MuxMCTPDriver: Add MCTP Transport header.
        MuxMCTPDriver->>MCTPI3CBinding: transmit() MCTP packet
        MCTPI3CBinding->>MCTPI3CBinding: Compute PEC and add <br/>to the end of the packet.
        MCTPI3CBinding->>I3CTarget: transmit() MCTP packet with PEC
        alt IBI mode enabled
            I3CTarget->>I3CController: IBI with MDB
            I3CController--)I3CTarget: Private Read Request
            I3CTarget--)I3CController: MCTP packet
            I3CTarget->>I3CTarget: result = SUCCESS
        else Polling mode
            I3CTarget->>I3CTarget: 1. Set the pending read bit. <br/> 2. Set the alarm for tx_timeout time
            alt Controller sent GETSTATUS CCC
                I3CTarget--)I3CController: Report nonzero value
                I3CController--)I3CTarget: Private Read Request
                I3CTarget--)I3CController: MCTP packet
                I3CTarget->>I3CTarget: set result = SUCCESS
            else alarm fired
                I3CTarget->>I3CTarget: set result = TIMEOUT
        I3CTarget->>MCTPI3CBinding: send_done() with result. <br/>Return packet buffer.
        MCTPI3CBinding->>MuxMCTPDriver: send_done() with result.<br/> Return packet buffer.

The send stack is as shown in the picture below:

The MCTP Send stack

MCTP Receive sequence

    participant I3CController
    participant I3CTarget
    participant MCTPI3CBinding
    participant MuxMCTPDriver
    participant VirtualMCTPDriver
    participant Application
    loop Assemble packets until eom
        I3CController--)I3CTarget: I3C Private Write transfer
        I3CTarget->>MCTPI3CBinding: if no rx buffer, call write_expected() callback
        MCTPI3CBinding->> MuxMCTPDriver: write_expected() callback
        MuxMCTPDriver->>MCTPI3CBinding: set_rx_buffer() with buffer to receive packet
        MCTPI3CBinding->> I3CTarget: set_rx_buffer() with buffer to receive the packet
        I3CTarget--) I3CController : Send ACK
        I3CController--)I3CTarget: MCTP packet
        Note over I3CController, I3CTarget: Receive entire MCTP packet <br/>including the PEC until Sr/P.
        I3CTarget->> MCTPI3CBinding: receive() to receive the packet
        MCTPI3CBinding ->> MCTPI3CBinding: Check the PEC, and pass the packet <br/>with MCTPHeader to Mux MCTP layer
        MCTPI3CBinding->>MuxMCTPDriver: receive() to receive the packet
        MuxMCTPDriver->>MuxMCTPDriver: Process MCTP transport header on packet, <br/> and assemble if matches any pending Rx states<br/>or handle MCTP control msg.
    MuxMCTPDriver->>VirtualMCTPDriver: receive() call to receive the assembled message.
    VirtualMCTPDriver--)Application: Schedule upcall to receive the request/response.

(The receive stack picture is nearly identical to the send stack above.)picture below:

Syscall Library in userspace

Userspace applications can use syscall library in to send and receive MCTP messages. The following APIs are provided by the MCTP syscall library. Each user space application will instantiate the Mctp module with appropriate driver number. The Mctp module provides the following APIs to send and receive MCTP messages.

//! The MCTP library provides the interface to send and receive MCTP messages.
//! The MCTP library is implemented as an async library to allow the userspace application to send and receive MCTP messages asynchronously.
//! Usage
//! -----
//! use mctp::Mctp;
//! const SPDM_MESSAGE_TYPE: u8 = 0x5;
//! const SECURE_SPDM_MESSAGE_TYPE: u8 = 0x6;
//! #[embassy_executor::task]
//! async fn async_main() {
//!     /// Initialize the MCTP driver with the driver number
//!     let mctp = Mctp::<TockSyscalls>::new(MCTP_SPDM_DRIVER_NUM);
//!     loop {
//!         /// Receive the MCTP request
//!         let mut rx_buf = [0; 1024];
//!         let res = mctp.receive_request(&mut rx_buf).await;
//!         match res {
//!             Ok((req_len, msg_info)) => {
//!                 /// Process the received message
//!                 /// ........
//!                 /// Send the response message
//!                 let mut tx_buf = [0; 1024];
//!                 let result = mctp.send_response(&tx_buf, msg_info).await;
//!                 match result {
//!                     Ok(_) => {
//!                         /// Handle the send response success
//!                     }
//!                     Err(e) => {
//!                         /// Handle the send response error
//!                     }
//!                 }
//!             }
//!             Err(e) => {
//!                 /// Handle the receive request error
//!             }
//!         }
//!     }
//! }

/// mctp/src/
type EndpointId = u8;
type Tag = u8;

pub struct MessageInfo {
    eid: EndpointId,
    tag: Tag,

pub struct Mctp<S: Syscalls> {
    syscall: PhantomData<S>,
    driver_num: u32,

impl<S: Syscalls> Mctp<S> {
    /// Create a new instance of the MCTP driver
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `driver_num` - The driver number for the MCTP driver
    /// # Returns
    /// * `Mctp` - The MCTP driver instance
    pub fn new(drv_num: u32) -> Self;
    /// Check if the MCTP driver for a specific message type exists
    /// # Returns
    /// * `bool` - `true` if the driver exists, `false` otherwise
    pub fn exists() -> Result<(), ErrorCode>;
    /// Receive the MCTP request.
    /// Receives a message from any source EID. The user should use the returned MessageInfo to send a response.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `req` - The buffer to store the received request payload
    /// # Returns
    /// * `(u32, MessageInfo)` - On success, returns tuple containing length of the request received and the message information containing the source EID, message tag
    /// * `ErrorCode` - The error code on failure
    pub async fn receive_request(&self, req: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(u32, MessageInfo), ErrorCode>;
    /// Send the MCTP response to an endpoint
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `resp` - The buffer containing the response payload
    /// * `info` - The message information containing the destination EID, message tag which was received in `receive_request` call
    /// # Returns
    /// * `()` - On success
    /// * `ErrorCode` - The error code on failure
    pub async fn send_response(&self, resp: &[u8], info: MessageInfo) -> Result<(), ErrorCode>;
    /// Send the MCTP request to the destination EID
    /// The function returns the message tag assigned to the request by the MCTP Capsule.
    /// This tag will be used in the `receive_response` call to receive the corresponding response.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `dest_eid` - The destination EID to which the request is to be sent
    /// * `req` - The payload to be sent in the request
    /// # Returns
    /// * `Tag` - The message tag assigned to the request
    /// * `ErrorCode` - The error code on failure
    pub async fn send_request(&self, dest_eid: u8, req: &[u8]) -> Result<Tag, ErrorCode>;
    /// Receive the MCTP response from an endpoint
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `resp` - The buffer to store the received response payload from the endpoint
    /// * `tag` - The message tag to match against the response message
    /// # Returns
    /// * `(u32, MessageInfo)` - On success, returns tuple containing length of the response received and the message information containing the source EID, message tag
    /// * `ErrorCode` - The error code on failure
    pub async fn receive_response(&self, resp: &mut [u8], tag: Tag) -> Result<(u32, MessageInfo), ErrorCode>;

Userspace Driver and Virtualizer layer

During the board initialization, three separate instances of the virtual MCTP driver are created, each assigned a unique driver number. These instances correspond to the SPDM, PLDM, and Vendor Defined message types. Each driver instance is designed to communicate directly with its corresponding protocol application.

/// define custom driver numbers for Caliptra
pub enum NUM {
    // Mctp
    MctpSpdm                  = 0xA0000,
    MctpSecureSpdm            = 0xA0001,
    MctpPldm                  = 0xA0002,
    MctpVenDef                = 0xA0003,

/// mctp/
pub const MCTP_SPDM_DRIVER_NUM: usize = driver::NUM::MctpSpdm;
pub const MCTP_PLDM_DRIVER_NUM: usize = driver::NUM::MctpPldm;
pub const MCTP_VENDEF_DRIVER_NUM: usize = driver::NUM::MctpVenDef;

Syscalls provided

Virtual MCTP driver provides system calls to interact with the userspace application. This layer implements the SyscallDriver trait.

The following are the list of system calls provided by the MCTP Capsule.

  1. Read-Write Allow

    • Allow number: 0
      • Description: Used to set up the Rx buffer for receiving the MCTP Request/Response message payload.
      • Argument: Slice into which the received MCTP Request/Response message should be stored.
  2. Read-Only Allow

    • Allow number: 0
      • Description: Used to set up the Tx buffer for sending the MCTP Request/Response message payload.
      • Argument: Slice containing the MCTP message payload to be transmitted.
  3. Subscribe

    • Subscribe number 0:
      • Description: Callback when message is received.
      • Argument 1: The callback
      • Argument 2: App specific data
    • Subscribe number 1:
      • Description: Callback when message is transmitted.
      • Argument 1: The callback
      • Argument 2: App specific data
  4. Command

    • Command number 0:
      • Description: Existence check
    • Command number 1:
      • Description: Receive Request
      • Argument1 : Source EID
      • Argument2 : Message Tag
    • Command number 2:
      • Description: Receive Response
      • Argument1 : Source EID
      • Argument2 : Message Tag
    • Command number 3:
      • Description: Send Request
      • Argument1 : Destination EID
      • Argument2 : Message Tag
    • Command number 4:
      • Description: Send Response
      • Argument1 : Destination EID
      • Argument2 : Message Tag

Virtualized Layer

MCTP capsule stores the following process context specific information in the Process's grant region.

enum OperationType {
struct OperationCtx {
    msg_tag : u8,
    peer_eid : u8,
    is_busy: bool,

pub struct App {
    pending_rx: OperationCtx,
    bound_msg_type : u8,

/// Implements userspace driver for a particular msg_type.
pub struct VirtualMCTPDriver {
    mctp_sender: &dyn MCTPSender,
    apps : Grant<App, 2 /*upcalls*/, 1 /*allowro*/, 1/*allow_rw*/>,
    app_id: Cell<Option<ProcessID>>,
    msg_types: [u8],
    kernel_msg_buffer: MapCell<SubSliceMut<'static, u8>>,

MCTP Send state

/// The trait that provides an interface to send the MCTP messages to MCTP kernel stack.
pub trait MCTPSender {
    /// Sets the client for the `MCTPSender` instance.
    /// In this case it is MCTPTxState which is instantiated at the time of
    fn set_client(&self, client: &dyn MCTPTxClient);

    /// Sends the message to the MCTP kernel stack.
    fn send_msg(&self, dest_eid: u8, msg_tag: u8, msg_payload: SubSliceMut<'static, u8>) -> Result<(), SubSliceMut<'static, u8>>;

/// This is the trait implemented by VirtualMCTPDriver instance to get notified after
/// message is sent.
/// The 'send_done' function in this trait is invoked after the MCTPSender
/// has completed sending the requested message.
pub trait MCTPTxClient {
    fn send_done(&self, msg_tag: Option<u8>, result: Result<(), ErrorCode>, msg_payload: SubSliceMut<'static, u8> )

pub struct MCTPTxState<M:MCTPTransportBinding> {
    /// MCTP Mux driver reference
    mctp_mux_sender: &MuxMCTPDriver<M>,
    /// Client to invoke when send done. This is set to the corresponding VirtualMCTPDriver instance.
    client: OptionalCell<&dyn MCTPTxClient>,
    /// next MCTPTxState node in the list
    next: ListLink<MCTPTxState<M: MCTPTransportBinding>>,
    /// The message buffer is set by the virtual MCTP driver when it issues the Tx request.
    msg_payload: MapCell<SubSliceMut<'static, u8>>,

MCTP Receive state

/// This is the trait implemented by VirtualMCTPDriver instance to get notified of
/// the messages received on corresponding msg_type.
pub trait MCTPRxClient {
    fn receive(&self, dst_eid: u8, msg_type: u8, msg_tag: u8, msg_payload: &[u8]);

/// Receive state
pub struct MCTPRxState {
    /// Client (implements the MCTPRxClient trait)
    client: OptionalCell<&dyn MCTPRxClient>,
    /// static Message buffer
    msg_payload: MapCell<'static, [u8]>,
    /// next MCTPRxState node
    next: ListLink<MCTPRxState>,

MCTP Mux Layer

The MCTP Mux layer acts as the sole Tx client to the rest of the MCTP stack. The MuxMCTPDriver struct contains a list of statically allocated sender structs that implement the MCTPSender trait. This struct provides methods to packetize the message of the inflight (popped from head of the list) send request. The MCTP Mux layer also contains a list of statically allocated receiver structs that implement the MCTPRxClient trait. This struct provides methods to assemble the received packets into a complete message.

If the message originates from the device (with msg_tag = 0x8), a new msg_tag will be allocated and provided to the client via the send_done callback. This msg_tag is passed to the application layer which uses it to issue the receive response command. For response messages, where msg_tag values range between 0 and 7, the same value is used to encapsulate the MCTP transport header on each packet.

MCTP Mux layer is the single receive client for the MCTP Device Layer. This layer is instantiated with a single contiguous buffer for Rx packet of size kernel::hil:i3c::MAX_TRANSMISSION_UNIT. The Rx buffer is provided to the I3C target driver layer to receive the packets when the I3C controller initiates a private write transfer to the I3C Target.

The virtualized upper layer ensures that only one message is transmitted per driver instance at a time. Receive is event based. The received packet in the Rx buffer is matched against the pending receive requests by the use

/// The MUX struct manages multiple MCTP driver users (clients).
pub struct MuxMCTPDriver<M: MCTPTransportBinding> {
    /// Reference to the MCTP transport binding layer that implements the MCTPTransportBinding trait.
    mctp_device: &dyn M,
    /// Global message tag. Increment by 1 for next tag up to 7 and wrap around.
    next_msg_tag: u8,
    /// Local EID assigned to the MCTP endpoint.
    local_eid: u8,
    /// Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size.
    mtu: u8,
    /// List of outstanding send requests
    sender_list: List<MCTPTxState<M>>,
    /// List of outstanding receive requests
    receiver_list: List<MCTPRxState>,
    /// Static buffer for tx packet. (may not be needed)
    tx_pkt_buffer: MapCell<SubSliceMut<'static, u8>>,
    /// Static buffer for rx packet
    rx_pkt_buffer: MapCell<SubSliceMut<'static, u8>>,

MCTP Transport binding layer

The following is the generic interface for the MCTP physical transport binding layer. Implementer of this trait will add physical medium specific header/trailer to the MCTP packet.

/// This trait contains the interface definition
/// for sending the MCTP packet through MCTP transport binding layer.
pub trait MCTPTransportBinding {
	/// Set the client that will be called when the packet is transmitted.
	fn set_tx_client(&self, client: &TxClient);

	/// Set the client that will be called when the packet is received.
	fn set_rx_client(&self, client: &RxClient);

	/// Set the buffer that will be used for receiving packets.
	fn set_rx_buffer(&self, rx_buf: &'static mut [u8]);

	fn transmit(&self, tx_buffer: &'static mut [u8]);

	/// Enable/Disable the I3C target device
	fn enable();
	fn disable();

	/// Get the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size.
	fn get_mtu_size() -> usize;

MCTP I3C Transport binding layer is responsible for checking the PEC for received packets and adding the PEC for transmitted packets over the I3C medium. It is mostly a passthrough for the MCTP Base layer except, it will need the I3C target device address for PEC calculation.

This layer is also a sole Rx and Tx client for the I3C Target device driver.

pub struct MCTPI3CBinding {
	/// Reference to the I3C Target device driver.
	mctp_i3c : &dyn I3CTarget,
	rx_client: OptionCell<&dyn RxClient>,
	tx_client: OptionCell<&dyn TxClient>,
	/// I3C Target device address needed for PEC calculation.
	device_address: u8,

HIL for I3C Target Device

The following trait defined standard and shared interface for I3C Target hardware driver.

/// hil/

pub trait TxClient {
	/// Called when the packet has been transmitted. (Calls this after the ACK is received from Controller)
	fn send_done(&self,
		  tx_buffer: &'static mut [u8],
		  acked: bool,
		  result : Result<(), ErrorCode>);

pub trait RxClient {
	/// Called when a complete MCTP packet is received and ready to be processed.
	fn receive(&self, rx_buffer: &'static mut [u8], len : usize);

	/// Called when the I3C Controller has requested a private Write by addressing the target
	/// and the driver needs buffer to receive the data.
	/// The client should call set_rx_buffer() to set the buffer.
	fn write_expected(&self);

pub trait I3CTarget {
	/// Set the client that will be called when the packet is transmitted.
	fn set_tx_client(&self, client: &TxClient);

	/// Set the client that will be called when the packet is received.
	fn set_rx_client(&self, client: &RxClient);

	/// Set the buffer that will be used for receiving packets.
	fn set_rx_buffer(&self, rx_buf: &'static mut [u8]);
	/// Transmit a packet.
	fn transmit(&self, tx_buf: &'static mut[u8], len : usize) -> Result<(), (ErrorCode, &'static mut [u8])>;

	/// Enable/disable the I3C target device
	fn enable();
	fn disable();

	/// Get the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size.
	fn get_mtu_size() -> usize;

	/// Get the address of the I3C target device. Needed for PEC calculation.
	fn get_address() -> u8;