Project Full coverage report
Current view: Cores-VeeR-EL2—Cores-VeeR-EL2—design—lsu— Coverage Hit Total
Test Date: 19-09-2024 Toggle 78.0% 46 59
Test: all Branch 0.0% 0 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       2              : // Copyright 2020 Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates.
       3              : //
       4              : // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       5              : // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
       6              : // You may obtain a copy of the License at
       7              : //
       8              : //
       9              : //
      10              : // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      11              : // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      12              : // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      13              : // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      14              : // limitations under the License.
      15              : 
      16              : //********************************************************************************
      17              : // $Id$
      18              : //
      19              : //
      20              : // Owner:
      21              : // Function: Top level file for load store unit
      22              : // Comments:
      23              : //
      24              : //
      25              : // DC1 -> DC2 -> DC3 -> DC4 (Commit)
      26              : //
      27              : //********************************************************************************
      28              : module el2_lsu_ecc
      29              : import el2_pkg::*;
      30              : #(
      31              : `include "el2_param.vh"
      32              :  )
      33              : (
      34     61843746 :    input logic                           clk,                // Clock only while core active.  Through one clock header.  For flops with    second clock header built in.  Connected to ACTIVE_L2CLK.
      35     61843746 :    input logic                           lsu_c2_r_clk,       // clock
      36            0 :    input logic                           clk_override,       // Override non-functional clock gating
      37          316 :    input logic                           rst_l,              // reset, active low
      38            0 :    input logic                           scan_mode,          // scan mode
      39              : 
      40       478184 :    input el2_lsu_pkt_t                  lsu_pkt_m,          // packet in m
      41       478181 :    input el2_lsu_pkt_t                  lsu_pkt_r,          // packet in r
      42         7574 :    input logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]  stbuf_data_any,
      43              : 
      44            8 :    input logic                           dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable,  // disables the ecc computation and error flagging
      45              : 
      46       561000 :    input logic                           lsu_dccm_rden_r,          // dccm rden
      47       614420 :    input logic                           addr_in_dccm_r,           // address in dccm
      48       471772 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]       lsu_addr_r,               // start address
      49       678346 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]       end_addr_r,               // end address
      50            0 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_hi_r,          // data from the dccm
      51            0 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_lo_r,          // data from the dccm
      52            0 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  dccm_data_ecc_hi_r,       // data from the dccm + ecc
      53            0 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  dccm_data_ecc_lo_r,       // data from the dccm + ecc
      54            2 :    output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_hi_r,            // corrected dccm data R-stage
      55            2 :    output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_lo_r,            // corrected dccm data R-stage
      56            2 :    output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_hi_r_ff,         // corrected dccm data R+1 stage
      57            2 :    output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_lo_r_ff,         // corrected dccm data R+1 stage
      58              : 
      59            4 :    input logic                           ld_single_ecc_error_r,     // ld has a single ecc error
      60            4 :    input logic                           ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff,  // ld has a single ecc error
      61       561000 :    input logic                           lsu_dccm_rden_m,           // dccm rden
      62       614420 :    input logic                           addr_in_dccm_m,            // address in dccm
      63       471774 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]       lsu_addr_m,                // start address
      64       678348 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_BITS-1:0]       end_addr_m,                // end address
      65        47172 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_hi_m,           // raw data from mem
      66        47172 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dccm_rdata_lo_m,           // raw data from mem
      67       154095 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  dccm_data_ecc_hi_m,        // ecc read out from mem
      68       154095 :    input logic  [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  dccm_data_ecc_lo_m,        // ecc read out from mem
      69        47172 :    output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_hi_m,             // corrected dccm data M-stage
      70        47172 :    output logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] sec_data_lo_m,             // corrected dccm data M-stage
      71              : 
      72            0 :    input logic                           dma_dccm_wen,              // Perform DMA writes only for word/dword
      73           12 :    input logic  [31:0]                   dma_dccm_wdata_lo,         // Shifted dma data to lower bits to make it consistent to lsu stores
      74            0 :    input logic  [31:0]                   dma_dccm_wdata_hi,         // Shifted dma data to lower bits to make it consistent to lsu stores
      75            0 :    output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_hi,     // ECC bits for the DMA wdata
      76        50849 :    output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_lo,     // ECC bits for the DMA wdata
      77              : 
      78        50849 :    output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  stbuf_ecc_any,             // Encoded data with ECC bits
      79            0 :    output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  sec_data_ecc_hi_r_ff,      // Encoded data with ECC bits
      80        50849 :    output logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  sec_data_ecc_lo_r_ff,      // Encoded data with ECC bits
      81              : 
      82            0 :    output logic                          single_ecc_error_hi_r,                   // sec detected
      83            4 :    output logic                          single_ecc_error_lo_r,                   // sec detected on lower dccm bank
      84            4 :    output logic                          lsu_single_ecc_error_r,                  // or of the 2
      85            4 :    output logic                          lsu_double_ecc_error_r,                   // double error detected
      86              : 
      87            4 :    output logic                          lsu_single_ecc_error_m,                  // or of the 2
      88            4 :    output logic                          lsu_double_ecc_error_m                   // double error detected
      89              : 
      90              :  );
      91              : 
      92            0 :    logic                           is_ldst_r;
      93       557884 :    logic                           is_ldst_hi_any, is_ldst_lo_any;
      94         7376 :    logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]  dccm_wdata_hi_any, dccm_wdata_lo_any;
      95        50849 :    logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  dccm_wdata_ecc_hi_any, dccm_wdata_ecc_lo_any;
      96        47172 :    logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]  dccm_rdata_hi_any, dccm_rdata_lo_any;
      97       154095 :    logic [pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]   dccm_data_ecc_hi_any, dccm_data_ecc_lo_any;
      98        47172 :    logic [pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]  sec_data_hi_any, sec_data_lo_any;
      99            4 :    logic                           single_ecc_error_hi_any, single_ecc_error_lo_any;
     100            4 :    logic                           double_ecc_error_hi_any, double_ecc_error_lo_any;
     101              : 
     102            4 :    logic                           double_ecc_error_hi_m, double_ecc_error_lo_m;
     103            0 :    logic                           double_ecc_error_hi_r, double_ecc_error_lo_r;
     104              : 
     105       154095 :    logic [6:0]                     ecc_out_hi_nc, ecc_out_lo_nc;
     106              : 
     107              : 
     108              :    if (pt.LOAD_TO_USE_PLUS1 == 1) begin: L2U_Plus1_1
     109              :       logic        ldst_dual_m, ldst_dual_r;
     110              :       logic        is_ldst_m;
     111              :       logic        is_ldst_hi_r, is_ldst_lo_r;
     112              : 
     113              :       assign ldst_dual_r                                 = (lsu_addr_r[2] != end_addr_r[2]);
     114              :       assign is_ldst_r                                   = lsu_pkt_r.valid & (lsu_pkt_r.load | & addr_in_dccm_r & lsu_dccm_rden_r;
     115              :       assign is_ldst_lo_r                                = is_ldst_r & ~dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable;
     116              :       assign is_ldst_hi_r                                = is_ldst_r & ldst_dual_r & ~dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable;   // Always check the ECC Hi/Lo for DMA since we don't align for DMA
     117              : 
     118              :       assign is_ldst_hi_any                              = is_ldst_hi_r;
     119              :       assign dccm_rdata_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]   = dccm_rdata_hi_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
     120              :       assign dccm_data_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_data_ecc_hi_r[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
     121              :       assign is_ldst_lo_any                              = is_ldst_lo_r;
     122              :       assign dccm_rdata_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]   = dccm_rdata_lo_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
     123              :       assign dccm_data_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_data_ecc_lo_r[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
     124              : 
     125              :       assign sec_data_hi_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]       = sec_data_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
     126              :       assign single_ecc_error_hi_r                       = single_ecc_error_hi_any;
     127              :       assign double_ecc_error_hi_r                       = double_ecc_error_hi_any;
     128              :       assign sec_data_lo_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]       = sec_data_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
     129              :       assign single_ecc_error_lo_r                       = single_ecc_error_lo_any;
     130              :       assign double_ecc_error_lo_r                       = double_ecc_error_lo_any;
     131              : 
     132              :       assign lsu_single_ecc_error_r                      = single_ecc_error_hi_r | single_ecc_error_lo_r;
     133              :       assign lsu_double_ecc_error_r                      = double_ecc_error_hi_r | double_ecc_error_lo_r;
     134              : 
     135              :    end else begin: L2U_Plus1_0
     136              : 
     137              :       logic        ldst_dual_m;
     138              :       logic        is_ldst_m;
     139              :       logic        is_ldst_hi_m, is_ldst_lo_m;
     140              : 
     141              :       assign ldst_dual_m                                 = (lsu_addr_m[2] != end_addr_m[2]);
     142              :       assign is_ldst_m                                   = lsu_pkt_m.valid & (lsu_pkt_m.load | & addr_in_dccm_m & lsu_dccm_rden_m;
     143              :       assign is_ldst_lo_m                                = is_ldst_m & ~dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable;
     144              :       assign is_ldst_hi_m                                = is_ldst_m & (ldst_dual_m | lsu_pkt_m.dma) & ~dec_tlu_core_ecc_disable;   // Always check the ECC Hi/Lo for DMA since we don't align for DMA
     145              : 
     146              :       assign is_ldst_hi_any                              = is_ldst_hi_m;
     147              :       assign dccm_rdata_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]   = dccm_rdata_hi_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
     148              :       assign dccm_data_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_data_ecc_hi_m[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
     149              :       assign is_ldst_lo_any                              = is_ldst_lo_m;
     150              :       assign dccm_rdata_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]   = dccm_rdata_lo_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
     151              :       assign dccm_data_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_data_ecc_lo_m[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
     152              : 
     153              :       assign sec_data_hi_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]       = sec_data_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
     154              :       assign double_ecc_error_hi_m                       = double_ecc_error_hi_any;
     155              :       assign sec_data_lo_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]       = sec_data_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0];
     156              :       assign double_ecc_error_lo_m                       = double_ecc_error_lo_any;
     157              : 
     158              :       assign lsu_single_ecc_error_m                      = single_ecc_error_hi_any | single_ecc_error_lo_any;
     159              :       assign lsu_double_ecc_error_m                      = double_ecc_error_hi_m   | double_ecc_error_lo_m;
     160              : 
     161              :       // Flops
     162              :       rvdff  #(1) lsu_single_ecc_err_r    (.din(lsu_single_ecc_error_m), .dout(lsu_single_ecc_error_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
     163              :       rvdff  #(1) lsu_double_ecc_err_r    (.din(lsu_double_ecc_error_m), .dout(lsu_double_ecc_error_r), .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
     164              :       rvdff  #(.WIDTH(1)) ldst_sec_lo_rff (.din(single_ecc_error_lo_any),  .dout(single_ecc_error_lo_r),  .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
     165              :       rvdff  #(.WIDTH(1)) ldst_sec_hi_rff (.din(single_ecc_error_hi_any),  .dout(single_ecc_error_hi_r),  .clk(lsu_c2_r_clk), .*);
     166              :       rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH)) sec_data_hi_rff (.din(sec_data_hi_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(sec_data_hi_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en(lsu_single_ecc_error_m | clk_override), .*);
     167              :       rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH)) sec_data_lo_rff (.din(sec_data_lo_m[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(sec_data_lo_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en(lsu_single_ecc_error_m | clk_override), .*);
     168              : 
     169              :    end
     170              : 
     171              :    // Logic for ECC generation during write
     172              :    assign dccm_wdata_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff ? sec_data_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] : (dma_dccm_wen ? dma_dccm_wdata_lo[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] : stbuf_data_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]);
     173              :    assign dccm_wdata_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = ld_single_ecc_error_r_ff ? sec_data_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] : (dma_dccm_wen ? dma_dccm_wdata_hi[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] : 32'h0);
     174              : 
     175              :    assign sec_data_ecc_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  = dccm_wdata_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
     176              :    assign sec_data_ecc_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]  = dccm_wdata_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
     177              :    assign stbuf_ecc_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]         = dccm_wdata_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
     178              :    assign dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_hi[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_wdata_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
     179              :    assign dma_dccm_wdata_ecc_lo[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0] = dccm_wdata_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0];
     180              : 
     181              :    // Instantiate ECC blocks
     182              :    if (pt.DCCM_ENABLE == 1) begin: Gen_dccm_enable
     183              : 
     184              :       //Detect/Repair for Hi
     185              :       rvecc_decode lsu_ecc_decode_hi (
     186              :          // Inputs
     187              :          .en(is_ldst_hi_any),
     188              :          .sed_ded (1'b0),    // 1 : means only detection
     189              :          .din(dccm_rdata_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
     190              :          .ecc_in(dccm_data_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]),
     191              :          // Outputs
     192              :          .dout(sec_data_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
     193              :          .ecc_out (ecc_out_hi_nc[6:0]),
     194              :          .single_ecc_error(single_ecc_error_hi_any),
     195              :          .double_ecc_error(double_ecc_error_hi_any),
     196              :          .*
     197              :       );
     198              : 
     199              :       //Detect/Repair for Lo
     200              :       rvecc_decode lsu_ecc_decode_lo (
     201              :          // Inputs
     202              :          .en(is_ldst_lo_any),
     203              :          .sed_ded (1'b0),    // 1 : means only detection
     204              :          .din(dccm_rdata_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ),
     205              :          .ecc_in(dccm_data_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]),
     206              :          // Outputs
     207              :          .dout(sec_data_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
     208              :          .ecc_out (ecc_out_lo_nc[6:0]),
     209              :          .single_ecc_error(single_ecc_error_lo_any),
     210              :          .double_ecc_error(double_ecc_error_lo_any),
     211              :          .*
     212              :       );
     213              : 
     214              :       rvecc_encode lsu_ecc_encode_hi (
     215              :          //Inputs
     216              :          .din(dccm_wdata_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
     217              :          //Outputs
     218              :          .ecc_out(dccm_wdata_ecc_hi_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]),
     219              :          .*
     220              :       );
     221              :       rvecc_encode lsu_ecc_encode_lo (
     222              :          //Inputs
     223              :          .din(dccm_wdata_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]),
     224              :          //Outputs
     225              :          .ecc_out(dccm_wdata_ecc_lo_any[pt.DCCM_ECC_WIDTH-1:0]),
     226              :          .*
     227              :       );
     228              :    end else begin: Gen_dccm_disable // block: Gen_dccm_enable
     229              :       assign sec_data_hi_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = '0;
     230              :       assign sec_data_lo_any[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] = '0;
     231              :       assign single_ecc_error_hi_any = '0;
     232              :       assign double_ecc_error_hi_any = '0;
     233              :       assign single_ecc_error_lo_any = '0;
     234              :       assign double_ecc_error_lo_any = '0;
     235              :    end
     236              : 
     237              :    rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH)) sec_data_hi_rplus1ff (.din(sec_data_hi_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(sec_data_hi_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en(ld_single_ecc_error_r | clk_override), .clk(clk), .*);
     238              :    rvdffe #(.WIDTH(pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH)) sec_data_lo_rplus1ff (.din(sec_data_lo_r[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .dout(sec_data_lo_r_ff[pt.DCCM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0]), .en(ld_single_ecc_error_r | clk_override), .clk(clk), .*);
     239              : 
     240              : 
     241              : endmodule // el2_lsu_ecc